(A.V.M.S.) Association of Veterans & Military Supporters 2nd Tuesday at 6:30PM - Rich Greenberg, 203-536-3529, rgbuild@gmail.com Acrylic Painting Every Thursday at 1PM Bob Schoenacher, rcsch@frontier.com Acrylic Pour & More Contact the Group Leader for more information! Joy Sabol, joy.sabol@gmail.com Billiards Monday through Friday from 1-3:30PM. Please use dwlakewoodranch.com for the Blackwood Reservation System. Bill Marrone, 941-216-8930, wamarrone49@gmail.com B-I-N-G-O! 4th Tuesday at 7PM Mike Swofford, swoffordSR1@gmail.com Interest Groups
Chinese Mah Jongg Fridays 1-3PM training available Please familiarize yourself with the tiles if possible in advance
Barbara Rubin, bsrubin7@gmail.com Christian Women’s Bible Study Group Wednesday’s 10:00-11:30 AM Contact: Kathy Miller – k.miller760@gmail.com
Competitive Bocce Thursdays at 4:30PM Mike Cannon, lppcann@gmail.com Cornhole Contact the Group Leader for days and times! Darrell Turner, bdturner8@gmail.com Del Web Wheelers Weekly on Sunday’s and occasional Saturday’s Contact: Neal Zislin – zislinns@gmail.com Disc Golf (See Disc Golf App for location Time and others attending) Wed, Fri Disc Golf 9AM Sat Disc Golf Home Course 8:15AM Greg Van Stechelman, grampa4@msn.com Donating Stitches Contact: Karen Richards – kdrichard5@gmail.com Drawing Class 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 1PM Bob Schoenacher, rcsch@frontier.com DW Ladies Fun Golf League Contact the Group Leader for more information! Janice May, 248-417-6318 Euchre 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm – Card Room Please contact Darrell Turner at bdturner8@aol.com for training. Garden Dimensions Meets last Wednesday of the month from 9 am to Noon. No meetings in June, July or August. Carrie Mueller, gcarri3621@gmail.com Handmade Cards & Paper Crafts 2nd Monday at 10AM & 1:30PM Adrianne Everhart, cardsbyadrianne@gmail.com, Cell: 630-209-8985 Hand & Foot – Men’s Rules Wednesdays at 1PM Gil Stouch, gilstouch@yahoo.com Hand, Knee & Foot Mondays at 5:45 pm Deb Kerr, kerrpotter@gmail.com Hearts – “Richard Albero’s Hearts” Thursdays at 1PM Mary Kennedy, mdk42153@verizon.net Inquisitive Minds @DelWebb Drop-in Sessions 1st & 3rd Monday from 11:00AM - 12:30:PM Speaker Session 3rd Tuesday from 6:30PM - 8:00PM Barbara Piercecchi barbarap1310@gmail.com Kayakers Contact the Group Leader for more information! Steve or Eileen Bradicich, 941-567-4660, sbradicich@gmail.com
Bocce - Morning Social Every Tuesday 9am - 11 am Judy Loew jb80482@yahoo.com Bocce League Social
Wednesdays & Sundays at 6 & 7:35PM Mike Swofford, swoffordSR1@gmail.com Greg Lough, Gregb120@yahoo.com Book Club 2020 1st Tuesday at 7PM Becky Civjan, bcivjan@gmail.com, cell 610-844-6561 Book Club - DAY 2nd Tuesday at 2PM Pam Pecarich, ppecar@aol.com, 805-797-4757 Book Club - NIGHT 2nd Tuesday at 7PM Susan Batchelder, rsbatch@sbcglobal.net, 414 690-8600 Bridge Round Robin Contact the Group Leader for More Information! Pat Dolan, 517-214-6568, patrick@dolan.name Bunco Buddies 1st Tuesday at 7PM Rusty Watts-Plhak, 714-658-7161 Canasta Mondays at 1PM Linda Keiffer, 440-396-7012, lulurnc@msn.com Car Enthusiasts Contact the group leader for more information! Harvey & Ann Goldberg, apghmg1@gmail.com Casual Cruisers Sundays at 8:30AM Dave Snowise, dsnowise@sbcglobal.net C.E.R.T. – Community Emergency Response Team
Monthly meeting the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10AM in the Oasis Card Room Contact Chuck Kennedy for more information on joining — cwk7954@verizon.net Chess
1st & 3rd Thursday at 6:30PM Neal Zislin, zislinns@gmail.com
Del Webb - Lakewood Ranch
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